20 July 2011

Wherefor art thou the Cupcake Wench?

To set the scene:  We begin, in the waning days of 2001, in a small, quaint, picturesque New England college, remarkable only in its unremarkableness.  In a small, cluttered, unremarkable dorm room, we find our subjects. 

The room is occupied by an unspecified number of polite, intelligent, well-mannered young women, cheerfully and sedately passing an evening.  Also in the room is a tray of unremarkable pink cupcakes. 

"Barnum*, my dear girl," says Bunny* politely and without a hint of imperiousness "won't you be a love and fetch me one of those darling cupcakes?"

"Bunny*," replies Barnum*, in a tone devoid of any derision or scorn, "I would, of course, fetch you anything else your heart desired, but, alas, I am not your Cupcake Wench."

And though, despite being polite, intelligent, well-mannered young women, Bunny* and her companion Deborah* were revealed to be Evil as well as polite, intelligent, and well-mannered.  They declared then and there that Barnum* was, in fact, their Cupcake Wench and would continue to be so until the slow heat death of the universe.

Barnum* continues to receive Christmas Cards from Bunny* addressed to the Cupcake Wench to this day.

*Names changed to protect the innocent-until-proven-guilty.  Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is intentional.


  1. The amount that this makes me laugh is incalculable. Also, I would like more posts please, as I love to read your writing!

  2. My only regret is that I'm so incapable of sending christmas cards that I cannot address them one way or the other.

    Other than that, I regret NOTHING!
